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万博英超狼队ManBetX全站-再出漏洞! 脸书5000万账户遭到黑客攻击!

发布日期:2025-01-01 05:16 浏览次数:
本文摘要:Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and two of his top execs were among the 50 million users of the social media site whose accounts have been hacked.近日,脸书5000万用户的账户遭反击,而该社交网站的创始人马克·扎克伯格和他的两名高管也身在其中。

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and two of his top execs were among the 50 million users of the social media site whose accounts have been hacked.近日,脸书5000万用户的账户遭反击,而该社交网站的创始人马克·扎克伯格和他的两名高管也身在其中。This is a really serious security issue, and were taking it seriously, Zuckerberg said. We need to be more proactive.扎克伯格回应:“这的确是一起极为相当严重的安全事件,我们要认真对待。我们应该更为具备前瞻性。

”The social-media giant determined that hackers had exploited a vulnerability in Facebooks code that allowed them to take over users accounts, it said in a blog post.该社交媒体巨头在一篇博客帖子中写到,他们指出黑客是利用了脸书代码中的某一漏洞,使得他们可以接管用户的账户。Other hacking victims include Facebooks chief operating officer, Sheryl Sandberg, and its European vice-president, Nicola Mendelsohn.其他遭到黑客攻击的人还包括脸书网的首席运营官谢丽尔·桑德伯格和欧洲地区副总裁尼古拉·门德尔松。

Hours after the hack was revealed, a class action suit was filed against Facebook by users Carla Echavarria of California and Derrick Walker of Virginia.在黑客攻击事件曝光数小时后,加州用户卡拉·埃查瓦里亚和弗吉尼亚州用户德里克·沃克对脸书驳回了集体诉讼。Some speculated it could turn out to be the biggest such suit ever filed.一些人猜测,这有可能是有史以来规模仅次于的此类诉讼。


